Supporting the New Brunswick Family Resource Centres in assisting families to raise safe, healthy, active children

Prenatal & Postnatal programs
Prenatal programs
Postnatal programs
The Family Resource Centres of New Brunswick have been offering prenatal support since 2016. Our aim is to empower families with resources, knowledge and support for a healthy start.
​Prenatal classes cover the following themes: pregnancy and family health, childbirth, medical options and caesarean birth, nutrition, postpartum care, parenting and lifestyle, etc.
You will learn about the basics of breastfeeding, proper techniques and how to manage challenges. ​

The Family Resource Centres, in partnership with other community groups, also offer postnatal programs which include:
-Breastfeeding support
-Baby Massage
-Infant nutrition
-Growth & safety
-Postpartum mental health
-Baby CPR
-informal discussions on parenting concerns
-establish connections with other new parents
Family Programs

Family Programs include
Family Drop-in playgroups
Music Programs
Story Books/Literacy Programs Active Kids - Physical Activity
Child safety
Puppet shows
and more.....

Parenting Programs include​
Nobody's Perfect
Handle with Care - mental health support
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen
Collective Kitchens
​Car seat Installations
Financial Literacy
Todays Grandparent
and more.....
Please check with the Family Resource Centre nearest you to see which programs they offer.
If you are dealing with thoughts of suicide, or if you are worried about someone else, please
Call or text 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
We value parents as the first and most important
educator of their child.